The Lower River Passage is a New Brunswick birding nirvana. The river itself, with its associated islands and wetlands, mead- ows and marshes, forests immature and mature, offers a wide range of habitat and attracts over 250 bird species. Dozens of trails and scores of other vantage points await the observer; calm backwaters and channels take the canoeist into the heart of nest- ing territories.
Seasonally flooded intervale pastures and crop land are important staging and feeding areas during spring and fall migrations. The tree-fringed impoundments and wetland habi- tats common along the river host ducks and waders. Eagles and osprey are often seen carrying fish to their nests. In the forests and meadows, warblers and other songbirds rear their broods on the summer’s bounty.
The communities of the Lower River Passage are fortunate in having many publicly-accessible sites waiting to reward birders with glimpses of species both rare and common.
7. Evandale Ferry landing
9. The George Slipp Legacy Marsh
12. Gagetown Ferry Marsh
13. Rotary Park Landing
14. Foshay Intervale
15. Black Duck Marsh
21. Wilmot Bluff Park